Qualification & Integration of international nursing staff.

Nursing emergency in Germany -
set out with us on the road

There are many ways to address the nursing shortage in Germany. There is no way around recruiting international nursing staff.

You are a nursing professional and want to work in Germany?
Are you an employer looking for qualified care workers?

You have come to the right place. We are your suitable partner and will be happy to set out together with you.

Together we are strong -
always with the human being in the center

Through our decades of experience in international cooperation and integration work as well as language and professional qualification, we bundle our competencies for you as a global partner. By offering the migration and qualification of international caregivers, we enable opportunities based on the respective social context: for people looking for work and people looking for employees. On the firm value foundation of a global social association, people are at the center of our actions at all times.

We offer long-term prospects for all those who join us on the path. Actively approaching suitable individuals with a precise fit, targeted management of the qualification and migration process, and resolute integration in Germany are integral parts of our concept for success.

For this we stand


Accurate fit:
We support you in the search and selection of a suitable employer or future employee


We never lose sight of the common goal and support you during all process steps - from recruiting to integration in Germany


We are always there for you and put people at the center of everything we do at all times.

Your advantages with us as a service provider

For employers

For professionals

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