For Employer

Your suitable caregiver is waiting for you

You are looking for qualified nursing staff and experience every day how the staff shortage in the nursing sector is visibly worsening? Exactly here we, as Kolping, have made it our task to jointly support you as an employer as well as society through an optimal qualification and integration of international caregivers.

It is important to us that the focus is not only on successful recruiting, but that people are at the center of our activities across all processes. Therefore, we accompany you as an employer as well as the international nursing staff on their entire way of selection, decision, entry and qualification up to the final recognition as a nursing professional in Germany. Because only if we see and shape this as an overall process can we achieve successful and long-term integration together, which is the goal of all parties.

THEREFORE we stand


Accurate fit:
We support you in the search and selection of your future international employees


We never lose sight of the common goal and support you during all process steps - from recruiting to the integration of your employees in Germany.


We are always there for you and put people at the center of our actions at all times

Our building blocks for you

Block 1 Selection and entry

Once you've decided to work with us, we'll get started. Based on your application, an initial selection of possible, suitable caregivers is made in our partner countries. In joint, virtual selection interviews, we then define the most suitable candidates for you and conclude the contracts. After your decision, the nursing staff will be trained by us in the partner country on the language level required for entry and will be supervised in parallel both on site and from Germany, as well as being supported in document management with regard to the visa and apostille procedures.

Block 2 Language qualification & activity with you

Already after entering Germany, the caregivers you have selected will start working for you as care assistants for a few hours. At the same time, our experienced language and specialist instructors help the nursing staff to achieve the B2 language level in the nursing-related German course. In this course, in addition to general and subject-specific language qualification, the focus is also on regular exchange about personal experiences in the new country and in the new job. We see this as an important accompanying process for a sustainably successful integration.

Block 3 Support until recognition

Already before, but especially after the entry to Germany, a holistic integration is very important to us. Therefore, continuous and close socio-pedagogical support is provided throughout the entire process until recognition. With this we support you as an employer as well as the nursing specialist in the sustainable integration in your institution and in Germany.

Block 4 (Occupational) compensation measures

Taking into account all the documents submitted, the competent authority determines whether there is still a theoretical and practical deficit for successful recognition as a nursing specialist in Germany. On the basis of this, a compensatory measure takes place, which is designed by qualified practical instructors and lecturers with reference to nursing content in a practical manner and concludes with a subject-related examination. After passing, the recognition can be completed with the responsible authority and employment as a nursing specialist can take place in your facility.

Your advantages with us as a service provider

Frequently asked questions

General questions about the program

It’s important to us that we partner with you throughout the process, guiding both you and the caregivers. This is because we are concerned with long-term and sustainable integration in Germany and not just with the placement of skilled personnel.

Clients of healthcare facilities from all over the country, such as hospitals or retirement homes, can hire us. We will then discuss with you individually the possibilities of a joint cooperation.

We are currently focusing on Mexico. More countries will be added in the coming months.

In order to work as a nurse in Germany, the international nurse needs the recognition of his/her professional qualification abroad (corresponding to the so-called reference profession: nursing specialist or health and nursing professional). Any professional deficits identified must be remedied before the professional license can be issued, and proof of German language skills at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference must be provided. The necessary compensatory measures for recognition are carried out by us.

The cost depends on the services used. We would be very happy to explain our individual modules and the possibilities of cooperation to you in a personal meeting.

Questions about the program flow

Thanks to our international Kolping network, we can map the entire process from recruitment to integration in Germany within our organization. In the partner country, the search for interested parties takes place as well as the pre-selection, which is made on the basis of a qualitative assessment regarding the match of your requirement profile for the future nursing staff. Suitable caregivers will be introduced to you in virtual selection interviews and documentation will be provided. The selection is made by you afterwards, but you will be accompanied by us during the whole process.

All caregivers are trained in the partner country to German language level B1, which is required for entry into Germany. In Germany, the qualification to the German language level B2 then takes place as well as the teaching of the topics identified as professional deficits. Both the organization and the implementation of the necessary adjustment measures are carried out by us.

Extensive document management is required for entry into Germany. Of course, we will take care of this for you and support the nursing staff in this as well as in organizing the trip and the transfer.

Housing must be arranged by you, the employer, prior to entry. This is necessary for entry into Germany.

Until the entry to Germany you have to plan about 7 months. Afterwards, the candidates you have selected are already working as nursing assistants in your facility, parallel to the language course that is still required. In Germany, about 14 months still have to be planned before the person can be recognized as a nursing specialist. After this recognition, you will work for you as a nurse practitioner.

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Do you have questions, requests or ideas? Then simply get in touch with us.